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Social Circle

Raising a child is no child's play. To comprehend a child's needs, wishes and most importantly his/her evolving emotional aspects is challenging. This gets tougher in their growing years when the child is influenced so much by his surroundings and the society at large.

Right from the beginning i.e. from the growing years when the child starts to interact with the people around him he starts to grasp the nuances of sight, sound and speech to have a healthy social atmosphere. As such, it is a great responsibility on the parents and guardians to give a right kind of environment to nurture their children.

Children are influenced most when they start going to school where they meet new people, make new friends and interact with a world which is not just new to them but also outside their comfort zones.. In today's times, kids get access to the social media which they think is a very big platform to exhibit their joys, sorrows, successes, failures. This they adapt at at a very tender age. Television also is a very big source of influence in their growing years as they try to imitate what they see which can leave a positive or a negative impact on their minds for a considerable long time. Hence, it becomes all the more important to monitor the social interactions, be it their physical friends or acquaintances on social platform.

When we talk about social media, we are all aware of the kind of ill-effects it can have if exposed to in an undermonitored manner. Unmonitored access to internet, smartphone addictions and negative peer pressure can be detrimental to a child's development and safety.

Thus, parents should play a balancing role to make the child a social person but at the same time keep them distant from the darker side of the society and social media.

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